Website Monitoring

All website owners know that website accessibility cannot be left to chance. It is especially true nowadays, when often company's revenue depends on its website. The results of website downtime are well known. It leads to direct and indirect revenue losses and can negatively affect company's image. That is why proper website monitoring is highly important – it will prevent problems and loss of revenue.

Mydatapage will regularly check the availability of your website. If it is identified as unavailable we immediately inform you via SMS, Twitter, Email or RSS so that you could take necessary actions before website downtime affects your clients.


Once you request your website to be monitored, Mydatapage servers regularly send out HTTP/HTTPS requests to the website to see if it is available. The website will be reported as unavailable when

  • Website is inaccessible
  • Response time of the website exceeds 30 seconds
  • Received HTTP Response code is 4XX or 5XX
  • Username or password is invalid
  • Monitoring intervals vary between 5 and 60 minutes or more

There is also a possibility to subscribe to daily/weekly availability reports via email. You will receive up-time/downtime details and total duration of downtime. Click 'Reports' tab and you will be able to view reports on your website's accessibility history. They show your website's performance over a certain period of time


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